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The Meaning Behind the Brand

What is Demon Child? Who are we?

I started the brand at a time when I was in deep emotional distress. I found that creating designs, making a brand, giving life to a story was healing. It was a cumulation of things that cultivated the dismantling of my brain, but it was this brand that brought me back to life. The brand is my story, but I also hope that it is all of yours, as well.

Demon Child is the embodiment of the unraveled youth, those of us who are astray from the norms of society, those of us who proudly want to wear our demons and make a statement about it. I find that society always tries to crush us for having a darker side, it tries to tear it away from us and make us think that we are so wrong for having it. Society makes us hate ourselves and all of the parts of ourselves that it disavows. I didn’t want that for myself anymore, I wanted to be able to proudly wear my dark side and say “fuck you, society”. Why let it take away a part of me?

This brand is for all of you, because we all have a dark side. Demon Child is about embracing that side, and every side of you and being able to pick up a cool t-shirt that shows the world that you fucking love yourself.

“Demon Child” is a mixture of sides, the dark “Demon” and the light and sweet “Child”. So is our “Skull Bunny Logo”. The demonic “Skull” mixed with the childish “Bunny” ears. I hope that you find yourself in us and learn to love yourself every day because there shouldn’t be a single day that you hide any part of yourself.

We are Demon Gang, but you are the real Demon Gang, the supporters, the hardcore followers, and every person who has ever dealt with any sort of darkness in general. We all have it, but will you wear it?

I am starting this blog as a way for everyone to hear from us, to get to know us, and to get to know each piece of clothing, each design that we drop. They all have a story and now you will know every story and every detail of Demon Child. We love you, Demon Gang.

- The Creators.

1 comment

  • Thanks for speaking out with your platform. It will make it easier for others.


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